Thursday, February 19, 2009

Just a 2 letter word...

This past month or so has been the most intense learning experience for me. It’s wonderful feeling good just by noticing men being interested in you. It’s funny how that “flirty” part of me had shut down and the negative energy pushed men away. My recent focus has been on my own life and how to express myself in a way that a man can not only hear – but that will reach out to him. Real men do not like the spotlight in a relationship. “Little Boy” men do. “Little Boys” like their feelings considered first and always. They want to know what YOU can do for THEM, and have no interest in doing for you any more than they have to to keep you around. A real man doesn't want to be coddled. A real man wants to be a Prince or a King to your Princess. He doesn't want to be the frog you have to kiss to life - he wants to put the crown on YOUR head! So next time you're tempted to get "sucked in" by all a man's stories around why he "can't commit" or "be in a relationship” or “moving to Central America”, don't believe him.He may or may not be lying on purpose, but he's for sure lying to himself. So the point is to remember that all it takes is to realize that you have choices and options, and that men everywhere want you. Even if you've never believed it before, believe and act like you are very expensive, highly prized, and possessed of inner strength and outer softness. A good, real man will recognize that right off and fight for you. It's true! So, about the title, can we say DR as in doctor? Yep, that’s right. I have had a lot of friends trying to set me up with people. But I needed to take time out for myself and see the real me. I needed to be happy with and within myself. And guess what.... ta da... I lost 16 lbs and feel great. Even my best friend told me today that it was noticeable. So, yes, I have a date with a doctor. It’s not the title or degree he has, its the intelligence that enabled him to go that far. I look forward to long interesting conversations. So, how about them jeans? Think the sisterhood might have done me good. I will let you know if he turns out to be a frog or the prince.

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