Friday, July 10, 2009

Didn't Cinderella wear jeans?

Who says Cinderella had to always be dressed in the gown of every womans dream. Perhaps Cinderella also wore jeans... Carmine (my old jeans) and I have been back together for three months now. He swooped down and threw me on the back of his trusty steed... ok, we really rode in his truck but the horse sounded more romantic. Like I said in the previous post, "Love is like quicksilver in the hand. Leave the fingers open and it stays. Clutch it, and it darts away." I quit cluthing and left my hand open to whatever God decided was the right course for my life and if the sand blew away... that's what happens. By opening my fingers and my heart the sand has remained and seems stronger, more secure than ever. What is my life like today? I feel like Cinderella. But of course, the Callahan version wearing a pair of comfy jeans. When I go to work I get to play dress up, but I look forward to coming home every evening because I know what is waiting for me. We are both different now, we both realized what we almost lost or should I say threw away. While my children are the joy and pride of my life, Carmine is my love. I am blessed that I finally realized that maybe not all jeans are the same... or perhaps it was the way I was wearing them... or perhaps I expected them to be miracle workers - when the truth was that I also needed to change so they would be a better fit. What does matter is that I am wearing them, I feel blessed and I look forward to a long happy future.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Love is like quicksilver in the hand...

"Love is like quicksilver in the hand. Leave the fingers open and it stays. Clutch it, and it darts away." I have written in my blog about my relationships, the adventure to find myself and about my road to self fulfillment and happiness. I even threw out all the old jeans and went on a shopping expedition to replace them with new ones. Nothing felt right, nothing fit comfortably. That's when I decided that perhaps it wasn't entirely the jean's fault... perhaps I had changed also and was part of the problem. I read self help books, how to create a beautiful inner you and started looking more in the mirror and seeing the person I truly wanted to be. On my quest to self improvement I also went to a women's professional leadership training class. The guest speaker spoke about living life and how we should be simplicite. No clutter, no mess, just organization. Of course, this then became my new goal. I started cleaning out closets (I only have 3 plus a walk in) and pulling out clothes I had not worn in a year and donating to charity. That's when I came across my old jeans, frayed-holes in them-faded jeans. Just like all women, I had to try them on to see how they fit... after all it had been a while since I had seen them or given them a chance. Long story short - they felt like they had been tailor made for me... a perfit fit. Was it the jeans? Was it me? Or perhaps could it have been a combination? Personally, I believe it was all three.