Saturday, March 21, 2009

What can I say?

My daughter, Brittany, asked me why I haven't written on my blog lately. I said, well, I don't have anything to say, I just don't really have a life right now. Wrong! Ok, so maybe I don't have a man in my life at this time... but why would I think I don't have a life. (By the way - I went on the date with the doctor - not happening!) I had to readjust my thinking, sit back and take inventory of ME. So, do I have a life, what can I say about me? I went to Biloxi last weekend with some friends. It was the best time I have had in a long long time. It was all expenses paid in a 4 star hotel. We even played the slots - I was a "high stakes player", after all I did play $5.00 LOL. But guess what, I won $100 off that $5.00. Today I am going to a birthday party for my best friend, it's an all day cookout, horseshoe playing, ride 4 wheelers, hottub, swimming... anything goes party. So thank you my Britt Britt, for making me realize I do have a life and I do have something I can say. Now for something exciting, a small magazine that comes out once a month is asking for people to send in entries for freelance writers. I sat down last night and took some of my thoughts, feelings and experiences and wrote then down. Read my next blogs and tell me what you think. I don't have the actions down to perfection, but I am definitely working hard to practice what I write. Yes, I do on occassion have pity parties for myself, but I am working hard to realize that I don't need a man to make me happy or complete. It is up to me to find true happiness and contentment. A man is just the icing on the cake. Right now I am on a diet, so no icing for me! However, when I do decide, it will be gourmet icing... non of this buy 1 get 1 free or what's on sale stuff for me. I want the real brand, the kind that leaves you completely satisfied. So, sorry friends to being neglectful. I am back!

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