Saturday, March 21, 2009

We all have to start somewhere...

The following is what I wrote for a magazine article... while I am single and definitely not perfect, I simply wrote what I feel from my perceptive. Some may say, but if you have this insight why didn't your relationship work. Well, the answer is... I only used my emotional thinking and not my rational thinking - otherwise I would have realized it wasn't the right relationship for me in the beginning. He didn't want the same things I did. However, that was one more chapter of experience for me. The tricky part is using it wisely and not allowing this to happen again. So... happy reading and let me know what you think... please.

For lots of women, just finding a great guy can be tough enough. First she has to find him and meet him. Then she has to attract him and be attracted to him. Then she has to get to know him and make sure he isn't some player or whatever. Then she has to figure out how to keep the chemistry alive and stay connected and intimate. It's an incredible process that we can find overwhelming. Some people say... the more you do it, the more insights and "Aha" moments you'll have - which means that you're improving your life. Women have a dynamic, balanced blend of senses. Hopefully we take all the information available from both our "rational minds" to our "emotional minds". This is the best approach and the one used by women who I think are the most successful at building lasting and enjoyable relationships. This approach transcends the ability to see, feel, and hear what's going on. It's a balanced approach of love, acceptance, logic, observation, experience, perspective, and emotion perception. We will always have trouble understanding what's going on in a man's mind. Hello! It's about as surprising as a traffic jam in rush hour that the answers men usually give in situations aren't what the woman would want to hear. Congratulations by the way... the best part right now is that it's YOU who's setting out on your new path. And I'm excited to be the one here with you. People can only change when they want to; you can't make them change because you want them to. You may even say "But I miss you! Don't you miss me, too?" I know this all too well firsthand, if the truth is told I have my own pity parties on occassion. But the truth is, you need to learn to value and starting feeling a clear, grounded self confidence within yourself. Remember, the more you learn about yourself and how you communicate with men, the more you'll be able to help them create WITH you the kind of relationship you are looking for in your love life. So, let's travel this path together. I can't tell you how to change a man because he's not the one here looking to improve and make changes in his life - you are - just as I am too. While I am not an expert - I am just like you, tired of feeling stupid and hurt. So why bother? Why does it have to be so much "work"? Because we all want to love and be loved, it's our inate nature. It's not going to be easy at first - as with anything new you start doing. But, we all have to start somewhere!

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