Thursday, January 29, 2009

About the pants...

So far in my life, I have owned two pairs of pants (jeans actually) metaphorically speaking. One pair I wore for 20 years. They were worn, had holes in them and frayed around the hem. Because they were old, you would think they would be comfortable, soothing and reliable. There were times when I loved wearing them, but then times when no matter how much I wore them, how much I tried to make them work... they just didn't fit right. They pinched in all the wrong places, were uncomfortable and proved they weren't reliable as they continued to fall apart. Plus, after a while, the holes in them was drafty, I was tired of trying to hold the frayed pieces together... so I gave up. I guess it was a bit humiliating too when a new pair of jeans came around and starting getting all the attention. The hardest thing I have ever done in my lifetime was file for divorce. I realized, finally, that no matter how you put the jeans on... they dang well just weren't gonna fit right. So, off with the old pants (my marriage) ... and on with the new? Which new ones huh.... his or mine. Wow, that's quite a story in itself. As for his new pair of jeans he acquired... I personally would love to have made them into a purse. At least I would have gotten some use out of that situation.

1 comment:

  1. what a great way to put it...nicely done. Good luck - I know starting over is very hard.
