Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My Introduction

My name is Karen and I am one of the many intelligent women who are living life divorced. When you pick up a magazine or watch tv you find stories or movies about love, marriage, control, abuse, divorce, dating (so many online dating commercials) and children. And what about the titles you see such as Why men love and then leave, The top ten mistakes women make in a relationship, Why you can't keep a man... the list goes on and on.

I often find humor in these topics that really don't have anything to do with relationships, it's just different peoples observations, people that aren't a part of our relationship and don't have a clue. My daughter has a blog and said I should start one. She felt it would be fun and also a good way to release the tension that everyday life brings. So here I am writing simply about my observations and contemplations on this journey of life.

By the way, you are probably wondering about the blog title. My best friend told me once "you can't put on a new pair of pants until you take off the old ones". Stay tuned and you will understand the meaning of her statement.

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